10 Planks of the Reviewer Manifesto

Hello Comrades, WoodReviewer here, today I have an unusual blog post. For those of who are unaware, recently a large amount of reviewer accounts have popped up and have started to review things, such as followers, metal, and CSG unions. Since I am atleast partially responsible for this, I’ve decided to put together a little guide for the new reviewers on how to be a good reviewer. Also, it may give others some insight into how I work since it is a general guide for how I’ve been working for the past few months.

1. Outline What you Review

This does not mean you put “Something”ReviewerRBX as your account name and then review something. Write an outline on what you are reviewing so people can fix their builds to conform to your rules. Then when you review something, only review it based on your guide. Be objective; don’t say “this looks weird, hence I dislike it.” Review it based on your guide.  Also, if you are BrickReviewerRBX, for example, only review bricks; don’t review GUIs. If you want to make a passing comment here and there, that is fine; just make sure your main something is the focus of all your reviews.

2. Remember the Community

ROBLOX is a kids game at the end of the day. The community is largely made of children. Granted, some of them like adult humor try and keep your reviews mostly PG. If you want to make a few non-PG jokes/references, fine, just try and keep most of it PG. This includes swearing, nudity, racism, and other non-kid friendly stuff. Especially nudity. Not sure how you would even incorporate that into a review. Actually, nevermind.

3. Don’t Review on Twitter

Twitter is limited to 140 characters, and you just can’t properly describe something, explain why it is wrong, and show an image in that amount of space. That sentence would not even fit in a Tweet. If you want to review something, make a site. Tumblr, WordPress, and Medium all have free site hosting options. Use them. A badly made site is better than a good Twitter in terms of reviews. This does not mean you can’t do short joke reviews or point out issues on Twitter, but the meat of your reviews shouldn’t be there.

4. Attempt to Be Interesting

You might not always succeed, but try. Don’t make your reviews be a bunch of images, add text. Explain why what you are reviewing is correct or incorrect. Make jokes and references. Parody other things, such as the Communist Manifesto, to mix things up. Leave hints as to what you are reviewing next in some reviews, or just general Easter eggs. If you make memes or jokes on Twitter, try and make them interesting.

5. Don’t Scam

The original point was “Do Not Claim to Need Money to Continue Reviewing but Profit from It”, but that was to long.I don’t think asking for money to do something is wrong, and even just asking for it because why not is wrong, just don’t mislead people. For example:

Selling a shirt when you need Robux to review a game: Ok.

Selling a shirt because you want Robux to DevEx with: Ok.

Selling a shirt because you want Robux to review a game but then DevExing it: Not OK.

As of right now, every $ and R$ I’ve spent have been mine. For reference, I’ve spent about 10,000 R$ on various games and about $160 on BC/webhosting. I may eventually sell shirts  or something to have R$ to spend on games, but if I do it will be “Give me some spare R$ because why not”, not “give me R$ to spend on games” to ensure I don’t mislead people into giving me R$ and then spending it on something improper.

6. Don’t Promote Yourself

Not a ROBLOX issue, but a bunch of Twitter accounts have a habit of starting out as a humor account, then direct people to their main account for publicity, or use the humor account to sell stuff. If you want to promote good games, models, or other impressive things on ROBLOX, that is fine. Just do it because they impress you; not because you were paid or can benefit from it. This also serves as a way to protect against people accusing you of running the account for publicity; if you aren’t promoting anything, what can you be giving publicity?

7. Don’t Get Involved with Drama

Simple enough. If the drama is about your reviewer, chime in. If it is about someone being a bad person, don’t get involved. Your primary focus should be on what you are reviewing, and getting involved with drama will hinder that and usually turns toxic.

8. Be Positive

This does not have to do with drama, but the overall view of your account. Yes, you can jokingly bash games for bad wood grain, but that is a joke. Your overall outlook on ROBLOX should be positive, and you should try and make it better by improving a specific area. If you bash the game and are genuinely toxic, ROBLOX won’t get better.

9. Keep it ROBLOX Based

If you are running a ROBLOX reviewer account, it should be ROBLOX based. If you want to make a joke about another game, that is fine. However, you should not call out other games, mention real companies, or get non-ROBLOX internet personalities involved in stuff. There is no real reason for this, I just feel that it is best to not get other people involved when they have no reason to be involved. For example, when I made the jokes about Miitomo, I didn’t tag Nintendo in the Tweets. Also, for those who don’t want a reviewer account, please stop calling out Keemstar every time I call out someones wood. Just stop.

10. Long Haul

Do not make a reviewer account and abandon it after a week. If you are going to take accounts, put effort into it. I had my account set up for about a month before I ever started actually posting stuff so I could get use to it; I spent a week making guides and outlining my goal. Do not make a reviewer account unless you will put effort into it, not just for one or two joke Tweets. Again, for reference I spend atleast 10 hours a week doing WoodReviewer stuff, with each review taking 3 hours, bare minimum.


If you decide to make a reviewer account, the biggest thing to remember is that you should focus on what you are reviewing. That is why the account exists, and what it should focus on. If you want to make jokes, make them about your specific thing you are reviewing. In addition, put effort into what you are doing, and don’t make the account a lazy joke for a few Tweets. This guide is not a recipe for success, just some insight to how I have been functioning if people want to replicate it.



5 thoughts on “10 Planks of the Reviewer Manifesto

  1. Thewomenqween

    *clap* I’m amazed at how much work WoodReviewer puts into his website. My non-existent hat is tipped to you , sir.



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