Monthly Archives: April 2020

Hardboiled City Part 4-2018 Egg Hunt Part 11

Hello there fairly large size army of your children who are unable to play Adopt Me due to the fact it is killing all the internet, WoodReviewer here again, taking a look at the 2018 Egg Hunt by Fifteam. Again. Again in the area of the map known as Hardboiled City. Yes, this is part 4 of a review on a level of the game. And the total review is up to Part 11. How many pictures is this? I don’t know. I have like 4 folders each with atleast 2 subfolders to hold everything I found, but the filesize of everything is almost a quarter gig. So yeah, the game has terrible wood grain; this should have been clear by part 4. But since most of you are clearly to dumb to understand what wood grain is or how it works, let me go into further detail on everything that is wrong; probably even repeating myself over what I said 2 years ago when this review started since I can’t be bothered to go back and make sure I’m not repeating myself.

So, when we last left off we were heading inside this hotel in Hardboiled City all that was left was to look at the inside of the hotel/fancy apartment. Again, pretty sure there was a reason to, but I forget what it was.

Onto the review, the first image in alphabetical order in my folder for this part of the review was this picture of some kitchen cabinets, so I assume this was the first thing I saw since I don’t feel like going back to the place. Anyway, the cabniets. For starters, the wood grain on the bottom of the shelves is incorrect. The wood grain should go from one side of the shelf to the other, not front to the back. Next, the top and bottom supports for the glass on the doors is incorrect. Like the bottom of the shelves, the grain should go across the width of the doors, not from the top to bottom. And lastly the side of the doors is incorrect, and the wood grain here should be vertical.


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Broken-Jail Break

Hello there criminals of Roblox, WoodReviewer here for what is probably my most requested ever, Jail Break, by you know who. Now I am sure why I am choosing to review Jail Break now. Is it because of the Coronavirus? Some anniversary? Is it to set up some larger plan in motion this month? Or is it because Badcc is too busy right now to wire me my money to not review the place in order to not make Asimo feel bad? If I want another check, I can’t say. But with the intro out of the way, lets look at what was previously one of the top games on Roblox, Jail Break.

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