Author Archives: woodreviewerrbx

WoodReviewer and The Hunt for Bad Wood Grain- The Hunt First Edition

Hello there egg lovers with way too much free time these last two weeks, WoodReviewer here, and today I am taking a look at Roblox’s most recent event, The Hunt: First Edition. Now I’m sure some of you think this is going to be some small cop-out where I just look at the main hub or something, but no, I have all 100 badges. I played every game. Every game in The Hunt will get my judgement.

Well, at least an abridged version of my judgement. You see, normally when I review a game I tend to complete it, or if it is a simulator and that is impossible, at least reach the end game gameplay loop. This can take anywhere from a fifteen to twenty minutes for a showcase, to seven to eight hours for a large game, sometimes even more. Seeing as this event is fifteen days long for a total of 360 hours, and has 100 proper games, that would require about four hours of gameplay, on the low end, for each game, plus an hour of writing for each game for the review, so that would put me at about 500 hours total. Not including sleep, eating, or bathing. And I’d have to finish those 500 hours in under the 360 hour event time limit. So yeah, that is not happening.

Instead, these were the self imposed rules I laid out for this review: I will play each game only as long as I need to in order to earn the badge for the event. I will then only judge the game here on what wood grain I see while earning the badge, or while wandering around lost trying to earn the badge if the instructions on how to earn the badge are bad. The games were not reviewed in any specific order, but rather just by how I completed them, which is mostly based on how close the games were to my spawn every time I joined the event hub.

Before a bunch of you get excited since I was unable to find bad wood grain in a decent amount of the games, the reviews below are not proper reviews but mini review, and while a game having proper wood grain here isn’t a WoodReviewer Badge of No Bad Wood Grain™, and bad wood grain I find will condemn the game to being a poorly made trash fest just like every other game I review that has bad wood grain.

Is this biased?


Do I care?

Only as much as the average dev in this event care about proper wood grain, which is to say I don’t care at all.

And now, let us get on with this review before the wall of text here gets absolutely insane.

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Boom Boom- Rocketeers

Hello there Abraham Lincoln fans of Roblox, WoodReviewer here for a review of Rocketeers by Badimo. And by Badimo I mostly mean Asimo3089 since Badcc doesn’t build. For long time readers of this blog, one I’m sorry for wasting so much of your time, and two you should be familiar with my long rivalry with Asimo over his love of using improper wood grain in games, insisting he won’t do it again, and then doing it again in his next game. So, how is the wood grain in Rocketeers?

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 25

Hello there sleep lovers of Roblox, WoodReviewer here, and today is the final day of my 2023 Advent Calendar. This is my favorite day of my calendar, because it means the calendar is done, and I can stop spending most of my free time all month working on it and actually get a good nights sleep instead of being up until almost midnight every day putting the finishing touches on my calendar. So, with that in mind, what is the perfect gift to end this calendar with?

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 24

Hello there mail lovers of Roblox, WoodReviewer here with day 24 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. Day 24 is always my favorite day of my advent calendars, because it is the second to last day, so it is the last gift I have to make. Yes, I do have day 25 tomorrow, but that gift is always made ahead of time because it special. Some of you have may have guessed today’s gift already since some other day was missing something to go with its gift, and now that we are down to the final day that leaves one of two gifts left. So, is this that gift, or am I saving it for tomorrow?

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 23

Hello door lovers of Roblox, WoodReviewer here for day 23 of my 2023 Advent Calendar, the day only day on this calendar that has way too many 23s for me to not second guess myself. Speaking for second guessing myself, apologies about today’s gift being late. I nearly had it done but upon a final inspection I realized somehow part of the gift had shifted over by like .034 studs, which meant I had to redo a few unions on it to get rid of some extra gaps. But that objects has those gaps that I had to sacrifice my sleep for tonight to make sure they were made properly?

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 22

Hello there painters of Roblox, WoodReviewer here with day 22 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. I know today’s calendar is a bit late after I’ve been saying that these gifts will stop coming out so late soon, but things happened and I spent like an hour just playing around with today’s gift in studio, so it’s late. And the first 21 days were all late, so why break the trend now? Anyway, onto today’s gift: What is inside the box?

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 21

Hello there birch beer lovers of Roblox, WoodReviewer here with day 21 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. Yes, the end of this year’s calendar is fast approaching, and honestly I am really glad for that because I am honestly almost completely out of ideas for new gifts. Today alone I spent like 30 minutes going through my old calendars looking for unique gifts to make, but I already remade all the good ones. So, what is today’s gift if I’m out of ideas?

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 20

Hello there bed sleepers of Roblox, WoodReviewer here with day 20 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. This blog post is going to be a bit short and messy, partly because it is really late due to me being distracted by Discord for the last few hours, and partly because I want to finish this blog as fast as possible because I just made some toast and want to eat it before it gets cold. Yes, I could have made the toast after I wrote this blog, but I figured the added pressure would help me finish this post faster. Anyway, enough of the intro, let’s actually open up day 20:

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 19

Hello there PC users of Roblox, WoodReviewer here again with day 19 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. I know some of you reading this are probably new, and for you I am sorry that I don’t have a better way to introduce this gift because I am really running out of ideas. I mean, this is like blog post 200 on my calendars, I have nothing left. Just go look what is inside the calendar.

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WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 18

Hello there water drinkers of Roblox, WoodReviewer here with day 18 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. Today marks the one week mark left with this year’s calendar, which is good for everyone following me because I get to stop bugging you with all these posts, and good for me because I actually get days to relax then. But before then, I still have seven more days left in this calendar, not including today’s gift. So, what is inside of today’s gift?

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