WoodReviewer’s 2023 Advent Calendar Day 22

Hello there painters of Roblox, WoodReviewer here with day 22 of my 2023 Advent Calendar. I know today’s calendar is a bit late after I’ve been saying that these gifts will stop coming out so late soon, but things happened and I spent like an hour just playing around with today’s gift in studio, so it’s late. And the first 21 days were all late, so why break the trend now? Anyway, onto today’s gift: What is inside the box?

Why a painter’s ladder.

“But WoodReviewer, what is a painter’s ladder?”

Good question. It is a ladder that has the little tray at the top for painters to put buckets on while they paint so they don’t have to walk up and down the ladder constantly to get paint for their brushes.

Now I know two questions that you probably have: 1. Can you climb it? And 2. Can it fold up? And fortunately I can answer that yes, you can climb it, and yes, it can fold up.

Also I finally fixed my render quality in Play Mode in studio.

Now, while it is true this ladder can fold, it is a bit finicky, with the tray needing to fold up first, and the metal brackets that keep the ladder from overextending being a bit flimsy and sometimes flipping inside out, but as someone who owns one of these ladders that is probably a good 30 years old, I can confirm that they are just as finicky in real life as this version is.

And that is all for today’s calendar. Sorry if this isn’t what you wanted or expected, but honestly you should know by now you should never know what to expect from my calendars. I’m off for the night, because while doing research I noticed that vintage ladders like this are selling for like $200 online, and I’m pretty sure there are a few lying around in my garage.

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